I made a mistake in Hofn.
After checking into our hotel and I stepped out into the mid-afternoon sunlight to see what the place was all about.
I got to a 'main' road pretty quickly and my options were simple: Left towards the water, or right, towards the mountains. I can walk along the water after dinner, I thought to myself. Decision made, I’m goin’ right. Man, was that… not right.
I wound up in more 'industrial' side of town, passing through the boat harbor and a neighborhood of small warehouses. It was nothing unpleasant, nothing in Iceland was so far. It was just kind of… bleak. I was starting to lose sight of the mountains and I had only taken a single picture thus far when I decided to cut across the street to a gas station. The only person I had seen on my walk was a child repeatedly kicking a soccer ball into the wall in a small schoolyard.
This place kinda sucks. I thought to myself. That was a first for Iceland, which was so far the coolest place I’d ever been. As I got closer to the gas station I started to involuntarily squinch my face. What the F*** is that smell? Oh my God. All the doors are propped open: front, back and restroom, and there's a man mopping the floor. Is this guy cleaning up a murder scene? Where the victim also shit himself? It’s the single worst assualt on any of my five senses in my entire life. He says hello in English, but I literally couldn’t speak back to him so I give a nod. I grabbed a few items including some great NA’s (they were EVERYWHERE in Iceland, even the craziest most remote spots, there’d be like some random peach Gose NA that I would kill a human for in Myrtle bar ) and checked out as fast as I could. Thank god for that Visa tap and go.
Counting the NA’s as a small win, although probably not worth betraying my nose like that, I decided to double-down and keep towards the mountains a little longer. I made it as far as the Hofn Cottages, but never found a breathtaking view of the mountains that loomed in the horizon behind them. I Snap my best friends to tell them that I’m in the most boring town in the world, then turned around and headed back to the hotel.
When I met up with the group for dinner and everyone is literally RAVING about this town. The recreation, the picturesque shoreline, the sweeping golf course in the mountains. THE SWEEPING WHAT!? I think to myself. I just spent two hours walking to the world’s shittiest smelling gas station. I’ll never get a chance to come back to this town in my life. WHY DID I GO RIGHT!?