I’ve long seen on Instagram how cool a photo can be by shooting through a reflective ring or filter, but never really thought to try it myself. Well recently the opportunity presented itself when I was working with some aluminum pipe for my day job. I sawzalled a couple rings at different depths and made my way to Broadway that night.
Although I really like how they turned out, I cannot explain how silly I probably looked - laying on my back while simultaneously aiming my camera and piece of metal pipe at an empty ferris wheel - but it was a cold December night and there was no one there to care. Getting the right reflection, focus and angle proved to be a core workout more than anything.
Here’s what I came up with, probably a vol. 1 of many.
Framing the moon was the easiest and is fairly pleasing to the eye but my favorites are like that last one where the reflection off the metal creates a trail for it and turns it to a shooting star. The flower one took me the longest and probably wasn’t worth it lol.