Taken eight floors above MY NEW SIGN DOWNTOWN
Made my way home for the 4th of July - my first visit in almost nine months - and it did not disappoint. The first night I was greeted with a heavy fog that blanketed the red, white and blue lights of the city… my flight landed at 11:45 and I was shooting by midnight.
I ran a print giveaway from Need for local charities, got my picture taken with my new sign downtown, and held yet another 319 Illgrammers meetup. I shot the farmer’s market, ran in the Fifth Season race (personal record!) and hiked Trashmore.
From scooter to scooter, room to lobby to Need and back again, I never stopped moving (30k steps Friday) and made every second count. Huge shoutout to my friends who went above and beyond yet again, nothing fills my heart up like coming home. Love you all.
Taken laying down on my back, camera in the grass, after I hiked Trashmore in my socks (we saw the storm cloud coming and had to get up there - no time to change shoes lol)
Taken six minutes after I left the airport. S/o my brother Rob.
Couple random CR hitters - second one was taken through Mary’s car goin 30.
I’ve said this before, although apparently not to the right people, but he goes again.
You honestly can not find a cooler spot, besides perhaps a rooftop, for a full court - maybe in all of eastern Iowa. This time around I put the idea in Todd’s ear and I’m counting on him to mastermind somethin yet again. WE JUST NEED THE RIGHT PERSON INVOLVED and I’m confident he will find that person (in the mean time I will shout at people on Instagram from 2000 miles away.)
That being said , it really is extraordinary what they have done with that literal pile of trash. The entrance building, the trails, the overlook - all top notch and I am extremely proud of what the city has done with it.
TA THE MASTERMIND - Taken at the latest 319 meetup hosted by yours truly
BIG shoutout and thank you to my brother EP !!