One time I drove from Cedar Rapids, IA to NYC and back in one weekend…
…but I left my camera in a hotel room in South Bend, Indiana on the way.
So I only have these handful of shots to remember it by.
Oh yeah the person I was dating at the time and I broke up in Saturday Night Live traffic about 30 minutes after getting into the city.
Perfect trip, no notes.
I had just gotten home from Vegas and it was a daylight savings weekend, making it four time zones in four days for me, while also 'springing ahead’ an hour… plus the subsequent 'fall back' weekend I moved to the east coast. It took my body clock nearly a year to recover.
Each photo from this collection was taken out of the passenger side window of a rental car as we left town with a seventeen (17) hour drive ahead of us.
I have ALWAYS had a thing for the 'busy stranger' style of street photography. This was the MECCA. I should probably go back.