One time I drove from Cedar Rapids, IA to NYC and back in one weekend…
…but I left my camera in a hotel room in South Bend, Indiana on the way.
So I only have these handful of shots to remember it by.
Oh yeah the person I was dating at the time and I broke up in Saturday Night Live traffic about 30 minutes after getting into the city.
Perfect trip, no notes.
One of my most vivid and whimsical memories of any trip ever was looking down the road just to the left as we passed by. It was the heart of Chinatown and it was like nothing I’ve ever seen. Perhaps my sole reason to ever return to NYC would be to shoot that street.
I had just gotten home from Vegas and it was a daylight savings weekend, making it four time zones in four days for me, while also 'springing ahead’ an hour… plus the subsequent 'fall back' weekend I moved to the east coast. It took my body clock nearly a year to recover.
“Guess how I’m feelin now? DUMBO.”
I never noticed this until now (2024) but that’s an ad for Dumbo in DUMBO. Man I would have gone nuts if I actually had time to shoot.
Each photo from this collection was taken out of the passenger side window of a rental car as we left town with a seventeen (17) hour drive ahead of us.
I honestly don’t remember it raining. But how New York is this shot?
I have ALWAYS had a thing for the 'busy stranger' style of street photography. This was the MECCA. I should probably go back.
Another thing I never noticed until re-editing for this post: that dude is looking deep, deep in to my soul. Holy shit.
Yeah let’s get the fuck out of here.
Sike! We went the wrong way, to New Jersey, adding another hour (18) on to the trip.