Family shoot on the 50
I'm in between lens purchases right now while my go-to is out of order, so I had the challenge of shooting a family session this week on the one lens I had left that actually works, which is an old Canon 50mm from the 80's. And because I'm using an adapter to use it with my Sony, it's only able to shoot on all manual settings, all manual focus, and because it's fixed at 50mm, no zooming either. It's not anything heroic but shooting a kid that won't sit still for more than a quarter of a second it can be quite the task to keep him in focus. I had some luck though and now I'm considering shooting the whole Night Market with it, which as far as giving yourself a challenge goes, would be the equivalent doing a Ragbrai day on a unicycle. I'll think about it. Anyways, here are a few I'm happy with from the shoot, s/o Mo and Erica.